40+ interactive Bible stories
to engage your child
with God’s word
to engage your child
with God’s word

Available in 30+ languages
to reach millions of kids
around the world
to reach millions of kids
around the world
That’s why the Bible App for Kids has been
downloaded by millions of parents around the world!
downloaded by millions of parents around the world!
That’s why the Bible App for Kids has been downloaded by millions of parents around the world!
the free app
Everything you need to retell the greatest story ever!

Leaders, discover an 8-week, fully downloadable Bible App for Kids curriculum – this hands-on version pairs each story with a character trait and activities.

Pastors, discover the complete Bible App for Kids
Curriculum – the two-year free course with videos
and activities for ages two through kindergarten.
Curriculum – the two-year free course with videos
and activities for ages two through kindergarten.
Pastors, discover the complete Bible App for Kids Curriculum – the two-year free course with videos and activities for ages two through kindergarten.

Parents, discover an 8-week, fully downloadable Bible App for Kids curriculum – this hands-on version pairs each story with a character trait and activities.
info@bibelappfuerkinder.de | BibleAppForKids
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